Are you marketing your speaking business the same way you did before the great recession? If so, you’re in trouble. The speaking business has changed and speakers who don’t change with it will be out of business. Watch this short video I taped at the Denver Airport. I’ll look forward to your comments. Steve Siebold ...
This is a question every speaker should ask him/herself. Is it really about the fame and fortune? Probably not. Watch this short video I shot in Indianapolis before I delivered the keynote at convention for hospital executives. I’ll look forward to your comments. Steve Siebold ( 4:00 ) [media id=90]
We have 171 referral agents searching for professional speakers, trainers, coaches and consultants, as well as people who aspire to be in this business. If you’re looking for more speaking business, we can help you generate more leads than you can handle. If you’re a new speakers interested in breaking into the industry, we can...
Brian Tracy is a living legend in the speaking business. He’s addressed millions of people around the world, and his audio album, “The Psychology of Selling” is the biggest selling personal development in history. I’ve known this genius for almost 20 years, and his products and programs changed my life. Chances are everyone reading this...
It’s every speakers dream to deliver speeches in sold-out auditoriums packed with thousands of people chanting their name. It was my dream back in 1996, and it came true. But the truth is it only happened because I got my big break from Bill Gove, not to mention mentoring from platform legends like Larry Wilson,...
You’re a professional speaker with a life changing message. The million dollar question is; how do you deliver your message to the world? The fastest way is through television. You have two choices when it comes to doing TV. Choice number one is doing infomercials. Choice number two is by being interviewed by the biggest...
We are living in unprecedented times. The economy is in turmoil. Corporate America is sitting on two trillion dollars in cash, ( 7.4 % of their total assets, the largest percentage since 1959) unsure of what to invest in or how to move forward without going broke. I’ve traveled around the world this year, reaching...
Every speaker I know has been asked this question. As trite as it sounds, I think it’s a very important question. As a personality speaker and thought leader, it’s critical that all of us ‘walk the talk’. That doesn’t make us perfect or impervious to lapses in motivation, but if you’re not one of the...
Every successful speaker I know has a message they want to share with the world. It’s the reason most of us get into the business in the first place. The sad truth is less than 1% of professional speakers will ever reach a worldwide audience. Even with the reach of the internet, most speakers are...
One of the most exciting and profitable markets for professional public speakers is the Network Marketing industry. There are more than 30 million Networker’s worldwide, and 16 million of them are in the United States. These people are ambitious, energetic entrepreneurs pursuing their financial goals and dreams by representing world-class products and services. You won’t...