Writing YOUR 100-Year Book

As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen. Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. These are all examples of 100-year books, or books that remain popular for 100+ years. The goal of every author in the personal development space should be to pen a 100-year...

Why Writing a Great Book is Critical to Your Speaking Business Success

The average book on personal development sells 250 copies, and the reason is simple: most are regurgitations of Thinking and Grow Rich, How to Win Friends and Influence People and Rich Dad Poor Dad. Many speakers believe they can write a mediocre book and call it a business card. Big mistake. Authors that pen quality...

How to Become a Professional Author/Speaker

In the summer of 1995, I was sitting against the back wall of a hotel meeting space in Springfield, Missouri, watching the catering staff set up the room for a meeting for IBM. As I watched the lectern being moved into place onstage, I closed my eyes and imagined I was the keynote speaker. I...

Bill Gove Speech Workshop Goes Online

We’ve transformed the 73-year old, 3-day LIVE Bill Gove Speech Workshop, the most successful speaker training program in history, into an 8-week online video course. On Wednesday, August 19th at 2pm ET, we’ll be conducting a zoom call to discuss the details with the first 100 people who register. You’ll hear from speaking legends Bob...

Publicity Strategy for Speakers

Speakers ask me all the time how we get so much publicity, and I tell them we’ve had a professional publicist for the past 10 years. The biggest mistake speakers make is trying to do their own publicity. They do it because they can’t afford a publicist, when they should be focused on building their...

The Speaker Has No Clothes

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many professional speakers as slot fillers for meetings, something everyone inside the industry has known for years. A high percentage of speakers have a 40-minute speech and a pamphlet they call a book, which is largely a regurgitation of their life story or speech. A small minority of speakers are...

My Interview on CBS News San Antonio, Texas

Our new book, How Money Works: Stop Being a Sucker continues to dominate the best seller lists across the country with over 300,000 copies sold in the past 6 months.

Mental Toughness Training for Speakers Deadline July 2, 2020

The speaking business has always required mental toughness to succeed, which is one of the reasons few people make it. After 23-years of being a full time 7-figure speaker, I can tell you that most people that attempt to break into this business are too soft to succeed. They’re nice people with good intentions, but...

My Interview on NBC News West Virginia

Our national media campaign for How Money Works: Stop Being s Sucker continued this week in West Virginia on NBC-TV. In the 6-months since it’s release, the book has sold over 300,000 copies. Our goal for 2020, pre-pandemic, was 1,000,000 copies sold. With all the interest in the book from the media, we may still...

$100,000/Year Speaking Opportunity—TONIGHT 7pm

This is a last minute announcement to view a LIVE broadcast tonight (Tuesday June 16, 2020) at 7pm ET. It’s a Masterclass on How Money Works, which is my best selling book w/financial expert Tom Mathews. I’m teaching a few dozen speakers how to build a $100K per year speaking business teaching this Masterclass, and...