How Speaker’s Become Thought Leaders

Speakers are thought leaders, and that means part of our job is to study and keep up with the people and events that shape the world. One of those people is the late philosopher/novelist, Ayn Rand, author of the 1957 classic Atlas Shrugged. This work became one for the most successful novels of the 20th...

Speaking Business vs. Speaking Job

Do you have a speaking business or a speaking job? Most speakers have a speaking job, but they think its a business! A business pays you when you sleep, while a job only pays when you’re there. The wealthiest speakers build a business from speaking. In the age of disruption, this is more important than...

Speaker’s Practice Schedule

Professional athletes practice every day. So do professional musicians, actors, singers, guitar players, jugglers, magicians, etc. But what about professional speakers? The top speakers practice every day, but many middle of the road speakers don’t. New and emerging speakers spend more time worrying about marketing themselves than they do on building world-class speaking skills. Many...

Want to Speak in Atlanta?

The Georgia Speaker’s Bureau will be hosting the Bill Gove Speech Workshop, which trains speakers in professional level keynote speech writing and delivery skills, on May 18-20, 2018 at the Bona Allen Mansion, near Atlanta. This workshop is designed to help you develop the skills and strategies necessary to qualify for representation in the bureau...

Speaking in the Media

Getting in the media can catapult your speaking career, yet very few speakers understand this. Being interviewed on TV, radio, and in print gives you and your message a level of credibility that is difficult to get in any other way. In just the past 72 hours, I’ve been interviewed on TV, radio and in...

How To Make Money Selling Books

After writing 10 books over the course of my speaking career, one of the questions I get asked most often is “How do you make money on books?” The average speaker sells 250 copies of their books. The rest end up in the garage with the lawn mower and the rakes. Obviously you must write...

Your 2018 Speaker’s Plan?

There are only 30 days left in 2017. Have you started your 2018 business plan? Watch this video to help you get started.

What Makes You a Unique Speaker?

What are saying to audiences, writing in your books and espousing to the press that makes you unique? Are you saying the same things as the other 95% of the speakers, or are you unique? Watch this post (3 minutes) and I’ll look forward to your comments. (Steve Siebold)

Speakers: Study Leadership

Leadership is one of the most important topics you can study as a speaker. Every audience craves leadership lessons, and thats why it’s critical to stay current on the most recent books on the subject. I’m recommending (2) in 2015. One is called Leadership Sales Coaching, by Jason Forrest and the other is Seven Disciplines...

Speakers: Study Money

One of the most important topics to audiences is money. How to earn it, invest it and grow it. Thats why I strongly recommend building a solid foundation of wealth building strategies to share. Read books, attend seminars, consult experts and most importantly, read the Wall Street Journal to keep up on whats happening in...