Most Famous Speech in American History

n 1959, a brilliant young speech writer named Theodore Sorensen graduated from the Bill Gove Speech Workshop. He was talented and ambitious, and Bill Gove took notice of him immediately. Bill Gove taught him his famous vignette system of professional speechwriting, and Theodore Sorenson was a quick study. 2 years later he would pen the...

How to End a Speech

Should you go for a standing ovation? How about sharing your final profound words? Or do you simply walk off? These strategies have been debated for many years. Since 1996, I’ve followed the famous Bill Gove System, and it helped me build a multimillion dollar speaking business. That doesn’t mean its the only way, just...

(Jealously Guarded) Keynote Speaking Strategy

In the age of mobile devices and short attention spans, capturing and keeping an audiences attention is tougher than ever. Everyone seems to want to be somewhere different than they are. Keynote speakers arm themselves with a battery of strategies that they implement to offset this cultural phenomenon. Many speakers (amateurs) are terrified of the...

Speaking Business Rebirth

The most common question we get at Georgia Speakers Bureau is “when will the speaking business reopen?” While no one can be 100% sure, we’ve been calling our corporate clients for the past few weeks to get their take. Watch this short video for the results of over 50 conversations with Fortune 500 executives.

Million Dollar Speaker Mentor…For FREE?

I often look back on my 23-year professional speaking career in amazement. I was fortunate enough to exceed every hope and dream I ever had as an international best selling author and speaker. But sometimes I wonder what level of success I would have had without my million dollar mentor, the great Bill Gove. My...

$108,000 Per Year Part-Time Speaking Opportunity

Tomorrow night, Tuesday, October 27, 2020, I’ll be presenting my first How Money Works Mini-Masterclass called “Learn 3 Life Changing Strategies in 30 Minutes That Will Transform Your Financial Future.” This is 1/8 30-minute Masterclasses I’ll be conducting via Zoom, and eventually to corporate America when the shutdown ends. If you’re trying to break into...

My Interview on NBC News West Virginia

Our national media campaign for How Money Works: Stop Being s Sucker continued this week in West Virginia on NBC-TV. In the 6-months since it’s release, the book has sold over 300,000 copies. Our goal for 2020, pre-pandemic, was 1,000,000 copies sold. With all the interest in the book from the media, we may still...

My Interview on FOX News in Toledo, Ohio

Our national media campaign to promote financial literacy in America continued today with my interview on FOX News in Toledo, Ohio. Our new book, How Money Works, (co-authored w/Tom Mathews) has now sold over 300,000 copies, making it the best selling book on personal finance so far in 2020. Here’s the interview in its entirety.

Why Speaker’s Should Mount a National Media Campaign

Since 2009, I’ve been doing between 50-250 interviews in the press every year, including op-eds, articles and features. This has kept me and my books in the public eye and has been a large contributor to my success as an author/speaker. Right now, during this COVID-19 craziness, is the best time to mount your own...

How Speaker’s Become Thought Leaders

Speakers are thought leaders, and that means part of our job is to study and keep up with the people and events that shape the world. One of those people is the late philosopher/novelist, Ayn Rand, author of the 1957 classic Atlas Shrugged. This work became one for the most successful novels of the 20th...