July 17, 1998: Bob Proctor’s Best Night in Speaking

It was July 17, 1998, the speech that changed my life, and the night Bob Proctor would call the best of his speaking career. It’s a story Bob was too humble to tell, but it’s the single greatest speaking story I’ve ever heard. Bob Proctor was my mentor and close friend for 25 years. We...

The Difference Between 6 & 7 Figure Professional Speakers

Why do so few non-celebrity professional speakers ever quailify for the National Speakers Association’s Million-Dollar Speakers Group? I’ve been a member of this group since it’s inception, (2009) and its always been a tiny percentage of NSA’s membership. The year I was chairman, we had 39 speakers out of 5,000 qualify…worldwide! So what are these...

The BIG LIE in Professional Speaking

Back in 1996, my first year as a full-time Professional Speaker, the BIG LIE was everywhere, and I bought into it. Thats why I lost $50,000 my first year. In 1997, I attended the Bill Gove Speech Workshop, and Bill Gove told me the truth. He gently explained that I had been duped by marketing...

How to Become a Million-Dollar Speaker

Becoming a million-dollar speaker is parallel to becoming a million-dollar actor, comedian, singer, dancer or musician. It happens, but it’s rare. That said, if you’re crafty, hardworking and you have excellent mentorship, you have a shot. You just can’t approach it like you’re applying for a job at Home Depot. There’s more to it than...

Speaker’s Apprentice Opportunity

If you’re an emerging or aspiring fee-paid professional speaker, or a professional speaker ready to level up your fees, the Speaker’s Apprentice Opportunity may be for you. The $15 billion/year personal development industry is starving for new talent, yet only 1 in 10,000 new speakers ever hit the $100K mark. Watch this short video that...

97/100 Speaker’s Make This Mistake

Just wrapped up our 7th national convention in the past 7 weeks and witnessed more of this mistake than I’ve seen in the past 25 years of being a professional speaker. At first I thought it was because there are so many new, young speakers in the business, due to technology. But I’ve also seen...

Speaker’s FATAL Mistake

Amateur speaker’s make a lot of mistakes on the platform as they ascend to the professional level. I certainly made my share. But there’s one mistake you must avoid at all costs. I just returned from 2 weeks on the road and 4 national conventions, and watched a total of 57 different speakers. In my...

Speakers: A Call to Arms

To my speaker friends around the world: This is a call to arms. I need your help. It’s no secret that the world is a mess. Never in any of our lifetimes has any of us experienced this level of global negativity and psychological suffering. War, terrorism, corruption, political polarization, economic uncertainty, pandemic, school shootings,...

Million Dollar Speaker Experience

Several years ago a young author from Minnesota followed me around the country over the course of a year to document the life of a million dollar professional speaker. He followed me backstage, taped my speeches, attended TV and radio interviews with me, and asked me every question imaginable. The result was a book called...

Georgia Speakers Bureau Needs New Speakers

Georgia Speakers lost 66 speakers over the 2-year Covid shutdown, and is actively searching for new talent. Our main clients are in Healthcare, Big Pharma and Financial Services. We’re looking for motivational, insprirational and business content experts. GSB was a full service bureau for 10 years, but has transitioned to a referral-based bureau. That means...