Secret #48: You must be able to clearly articulate your value proposition. Here’s the undeniable fact: COVID-19 has changed the professional speaking business forever…but not necessarily in a bad way. Just like the industry fall-out from the great recession, the best speakers rose to even greater heights as the mediocre speakers went out of business....
We’ve transformed the 73-year old, 3-day LIVE Bill Gove Speech Workshop, the most successful speaker training program in history, into an 8-week online video course. On Wednesday, August 19th at 2pm ET, we’ll be conducting a zoom call to discuss the details with the first 100 people who register. You’ll hear from speaking legends Bob...
The speaking business has always required mental toughness to succeed, which is one of the reasons few people make it. After 23-years of being a full time 7-figure speaker, I can tell you that most people that attempt to break into this business are too soft to succeed. They’re nice people with good intentions, but...
This is a last minute announcement to view a LIVE broadcast tonight (Tuesday June 16, 2020) at 7pm ET. It’s a Masterclass on How Money Works, which is my best selling book w/financial expert Tom Mathews. I’m teaching a few dozen speakers how to build a $100K per year speaking business teaching this Masterclass, and...
Since 2009, I’ve been doing between 50-250 interviews in the press every year, including op-eds, articles and features. This has kept me and my books in the public eye and has been a large contributor to my success as an author/speaker. Right now, during this COVID-19 craziness, is the best time to mount your own...
Speaker’s Fatal Mistake During COVID-19 Crisis Most meetings and conventions have been cancelled or postponed for 2020. A large percentage of professional speakers are about to be forced to exit the business, just as they did during the Great Recession. On the contrary, the top 5% of speakers will be more successful than ever. Watch...
Who is your favorite professional speaker of all-time? What speaker moved you the most and made the biggest difference in your life? What did this particular speaker do so well that he/she was so impactful? Watch this short video (2:30) and I’ll look forward to your comments.
Speakers want to motivate, inspire, and tell their story. This is often very different from what audiences want, and for which organizations will pay. Bill Gove shared this with me back in 1996, when I attended his speech workshop, ( and it was worth millions over the past 20 years. Watch this short video (3...
This is really going to upset a lot of my old friends at the National Speakers Association. Regardless, this is the truth: It’s over. The professional speaking business, the heart of which has been speaker’s selling information via long-play records, cassette tapes, CD’s, videos, DVD’s and digital links, is officially DEAD. It was destroyed through...