I’m searching for 2 new professional speaker apprentices. My top two apprentices earned $9.5 million and $7 million in 2023. Apply at www.SpeakersApprentice.com
This is the most skipped over skill in professional speaking, yet it’s what makes or breaks you in the business. I first heard it back in 1997, and knew immediately it was the missing link. My first year as a full-time professional speaker, I lost over $50,000. My second year, after hearing this advice, I...
The vast majority of professional speakers fail, yet the reasons why are grossly misunderstood. Thousands of retired executives, doctors, college professors, attorneys, and small business owners attempt to break into this business every year, and most fail miserably. Some of them are good speakers. Almost all of them are smart, successful people. The problem is...
Compromise is the glue that holds relationships together. Whether it’s in business or in your personal life, it’s critical to be able to reach mutual agreement through constuctive compromise. This is especially difficult when it comes to money, spending and investing in your business. Nowdays, politics is another area on which business partner/spouses must reach...
The world is on fire. Political corruption. War raging in Europe. Social unrest. Economic uncertainty. Widening wealth gap. It seems as though we are all constantly being weighed down with heavy news. If you’re an author, speaker, coach, consultant, entrepreneur, or business leader that believes in personal development, I’m excited to announce the creation and...
Professional Speaker’s have numerous ways of starting a speech, all designed to grab the audiences attention in the opening seconds, without making it sound like speech. Counterintuitive, I know, but this is an important distinction. The best professional speakers sound like they’re having an intimate conversation with their audience, as opposed to sounding like they’re...
This is the most overlooked area of the becoming a professional, fee-paid speaker. This is the reason so few speaker training companies advertise in this area. New speakers assume it’s not important, and yet it’s the single most important aspect of the becoming a successful speaker. Maybe the best example is how little attention is...