3 Secrets to Speaking to an Empty Room

One of the most valuable skills Bill Gove taught me was how to deliver an entertaining speech to an empty room. And make no mistake: this is a formidable skill that most speakers don’t have. Most need the energy derived from a live audience, and without it, they are flat and out of step. This...

Get Paid to Speak on “How Millionaires Protect Their Money”

While most of the professional speaking world is in free fall, the topic of money is hotter than ever. 95% of the U.S. population is financially illiterate, and they’re starving for education. My last class via Zoom on How Money Works had 174 attendees, and tonight’s class, (Tuesday, November 17, 2020) is titled “How Millionaires...

Writing YOUR 100-Year Book

As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen. Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. These are all examples of 100-year books, or books that remain popular for 100+ years. The goal of every author in the personal development space should be to pen a 100-year...

Why Writing a Great Book is Critical to Your Speaking Business Success

The average book on personal development sells 250 copies, and the reason is simple: most are regurgitations of Thinking and Grow Rich, How to Win Friends and Influence People and Rich Dad Poor Dad. Many speakers believe they can write a mediocre book and call it a business card. Big mistake. Authors that pen quality...

Mental Toughness Training for Speakers Deadline July 2, 2020

The speaking business has always required mental toughness to succeed, which is one of the reasons few people make it. After 23-years of being a full time 7-figure speaker, I can tell you that most people that attempt to break into this business are too soft to succeed. They’re nice people with good intentions, but...

My $20 Million Dollar Mistake

The speaking business has been good to me over the past 23-years, but going from coaching to speaking at Fortune 500 conventions around the world was a big leap—that in some ways, I wasn’t fully prepared. Working with many of the world’s largest sales teams was a privilege, but in many cases I wasn’t giving...

Speaker’s Fatal Mistake During COVID-19 Crisis

Speaker’s Fatal Mistake During COVID-19 Crisis Most meetings and conventions have been cancelled or postponed for 2020. A large percentage of professional speakers are about to be forced to exit the business, just as they did during the Great Recession. On the contrary, the top 5% of speakers will be more successful than ever. Watch...

Who Motivates the Motivator?

This may be the most irritating question I’ve heard over the past 20 years at the National Speakers Association. Speakers should be the most self-motivated people in the room. This is one of the major differences between true performers and people that can only talk a good game, and make no mistake: our profession is...

Speaking Business vs. Speaking Job

Do you have a speaking business or a speaking job? Most speakers have a speaking job, but they think its a business! A business pays you when you sleep, while a job only pays when you’re there. The wealthiest speakers build a business from speaking. In the age of disruption, this is more important than...

The NEW Pro Speakers Business Model

The business of information marketing is dead. Thanks to the Internet, its all free now. That’s good for consumers and bad for speakers. Luckily, we’ve found a NEW speakers revenue model that’s out producing anything we’ve ever done. Watch this short video, and then visit the Georgia Speakers Bureau at www.gsblive.com to watch the webinar...