Last Chance for Speakers

On May 31-June 1, 2014, I’m going to conduct one final speaker marketing seminar for the people who’ve been begging me to do it for years. This 2-day program will be an intense, content heavy program where I’ll share everything I’ve learned during my 18-years in this business. I’ve kept the price extremely low so...

Is The Speaking Business Struggling?

The great recession has changed the speaking business forever. The number of successful speakers has shifted and the majority of the money is coming primarily from one market. Watch this short video I taped after being interviewed on the Morning Show in San Diego, for my new book, FAT LOSER! Watch on YouTube [media id=143]...

Million Dollar Speaker Seminar Tickets

If you’re ready to break through in the speaking business in 2014, join me for this special, one-time, one-day program that will detail exactly how to build a 6-7 figure career as a professional speaker. Watch this short video and visit for more information and tickets. [media id=142]

FREE Professional Speakers Book Offer

Minneapolis-based author/speaker Elliot Saltzman has penned the most direct, honest, and factual book ever written on what it really takes to make it in the speaking business, and I want to offer you a FREE ebook copy. The book is called How to Become a Million Dollar Professional Speaker. This book examines the nitty-gritty, good,...

Public Speakers Debate

As a high-paid personality speaker, you’re going to be debating fellow experts onstage and in the media. This is something I do dozens of times every year, and it’s an important skill to develop. Watch this short video I taped before debating Dr. Cathleen London from Yale University today on FOX News. This one strategy...

How to Set International Speaking Fees

If you’re speaking internationally, you want to be sure you charge enough to cover the additional travel time and personal “wear and tear” on your mind and body. I’ve delivered speeches all over the world and enjoyed it, but it’s physically and emotionally taxing and you need to be compensated for it. Be sure your...

Are You a Camera-Ready Speaker?

Whether you’re going on stage, TV or signing autographs after a speech, you MUST be camera-ready. The speaking business (at the highest level) is conducted in front of thousands, if not tens of thousands or millions of people through various mediums. The public, your fans and your audience expect and deserve to see you at...

How to TV Interview via Satellite

As your fame and credibility grow as a speaker, you’re going to be asked to do national and international television interviews. Unless you’re based in NYC, you’ll be doing most of your interviews via satellite from a remote studio up linked to NYC or other major cities. Being interviewed via satellite is more difficult for...

Professional Speaker Apprentice Opportunity

I’m searching for my next professional speaker apprentice. The market for professional speakers on mental toughness training is EXPLODING, and I’m looking for a handful of ambitious speakers ready to help us meet the demand. Watch this short video for details, and then register for the 35-minute Professional Speaker Apprentice Webinar. Deadline to apply for...

Are You a Credible Speaker?

Professional speeches at the highest fee level are sold through speaking skill and subject credibility. Jack Welch speaks on leadership; his credibility comes from leading General Electric. Tony Robbins speaks on changing peoples lives, and he has a massive list of clients he’s helped change. Bill Gove spoke on succeeding in sales and his credibility...