Social Media has become an absolute phenomenon all over the world. Some people see it as a positive technological advancement, while others believe it’s doing irreparable damage to society. Either way, one thing is for certain: social media is here to stay. This is why it’s critical for Professional Speakers to use it effectively, without...
This is the most skipped over skill in professional speaking, yet it’s what makes or breaks you in the business. I first heard it back in 1997, and knew immediately it was the missing link. My first year as a full-time professional speaker, I lost over $50,000. My second year, after hearing this advice, I...
Compromise is the glue that holds relationships together. Whether it’s in business or in your personal life, it’s critical to be able to reach mutual agreement through constuctive compromise. This is especially difficult when it comes to money, spending and investing in your business. Nowdays, politics is another area on which business partner/spouses must reach...
Social Media has become an absolute phenomenon all over the world. Some people see it as a positive technological advancement, while others believe it’s doing irreparable damage to society. Either way, one thing is for certain: social media is here to stay. This is why it’s critical for Professional Speakers to use it effectively, without...
For many years, I held the record for being the fastest non-celebrity professional speaker to go from zero to a million-dollars in speaking fees, in just under 5 years. Many people attributed my success to marketing and sales talent. I wish! The embarrassing truth is that I lost over $50,000 my first year in the...
Many speaker marketers like to tell new and aspiring speakers that the most important reason to write a book is to use it as a business card. This is bad advice, and an even worse philosophy. If you want to be taken seriously as a thought leader, you should not only write book, but write...
For over 70 years, in the non-celebrity speaker category, experts have wondered why so few people succeed. Although there are basic aspects of the business that indicate commercial viability, the success of some and failure of others have left most of us wondering. Now, thanks to the power of Artificial Intelligence, combined with our team...
Do you have what it takes to become a professional speaker? Why do most people fail in this business while others earn millions? This question has been asked for over 70 years, and artifical intelligence has finally answered. The Professional Speaker Assessment, unveiled earlier today, is a combination of decades of experience from million-dollar speakers...
Back in 1996, my first year as a full-time Professional Speaker, the BIG LIE was everywhere, and I bought into it. Thats why I lost $50,000 my first year. In 1997, I attended the Bill Gove Speech Workshop, and Bill Gove told me the truth. He gently explained that I had been duped by marketing...
Professional speaking is a unique career, and frankly, it’s not for everyone. Successful speakers have a mix of content, credibility, charisma, expertise, platform skills, marketing savvy, etc. After speaking professionally and running the world-renowned Bill Gove Speech Workshop for 25 years, our team has designed a Professional Speaker Assessment Tool to help you determine whether...