Should Speaker’s Live Below Their Means?

The professional speaking business can be intoxicating. Especially as your popularity and fees grow. It’s easy to fall into the trap of assuming it will continue forever. In the past 20 years, speakers have had two massive wake up calls that shocked and decimated thousands of careers: the great recession and Covid 19. I skated...

The Real Reason Aspiring Speakers FAIL

Why do 95% of aspiring professional speakers fail? Why do speaker marketing companies ignore this completely? Why don’t most aspiring speakers take this reason seriously? The answers to these questions are obvious to seasoned veterans in the business, although it’s rarely discussed. It’s the speaking businesses dirty little secret, and it kills more careers than...

Author Speaker Podcast – Episode #1

If you’re in the professional speaking business, or you would like to be, this podcast will help guide the way. This is NOT a motivational podcast. The purpose of this program is to reveal the jealously guarded secrets of a very lucretive industry that’s dominated by a few hundred people worldwide. This is what you...

Vernice “Flygirl” Armour

Former Police Officer Vernice ‘Flygirl’ Armour was a new speaker when she first attended the Bill Gove Speech Workshop in 2007. 4 years later she was earning over 1 million dollars per year. When she attended again in late 2022, she was earning $40,000 per speech and ranked among the Top 10 professional speakers in...

Backstage with Chicago Cub’s Legend Dave ‘King Kong’ Kingman

Growing up in 1970’s Chicago, Dave ‘King Kong’ Kingman was our home-run hero for the Chicago Cubs. At 6’6, this guy was a giant that could park the ball so far out of Wrigley Field that no one could find it. Every time the game was tied, Jack Brickhouse, the voice of the Cubs, would...

Bombing Onstage in New York City

I was speaking in New York City in 2003 for about 1,000 people from a Wall Street investment firm. I had spoken there before, but today was different. Little did I know that I was going to follow a famous psychic who had a very popular show at the time called “Crossing Over with John...

My Death Threats after The Today Show and Good Morning America

One of the best strategies you can employ as a professional speaker is to write a controversial book and embark on an aggressive media campaign. It’s one of the most profitable things we’ve ever done. But if you’re going to follow this path, beware of the potential attacks. After my first appearance on The Today...

Backstage with the Father of the Internet

Back in 2003, I was speaking at a business conference in Washington, DC, at the Gallup Building. The program was packed with many of the leading academics from around the world, as well as top business executives and consultants, including Dr. Martin Seligman, Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihlyi, and Vint Cerf, the Father of the Internet and...

Onstage with President George W. Bush

One of the greatest lessons Bill Gove, The Father of Professional Speaking, taught me was to always be prepared for my big speaking opportunity. Bill would say, “practice, practice, practice, just like you did as an athlete, and when your big opportunity arrives, you’ll be ready. That’s what happened on December 9, 2001, when we...

How to Become a Professional Speaker

How do you become a professional speaker? Don’t believe everything you read or watch about this online. There’s a lot of money in selling people how to get rich quick in professional speaking. From ‘just tell your story’ to ‘just get on as many stages as possible’ to ‘get discovered as the next big motivational...