The Speaker Branding Myth

The speaking business is ripe with marketing myths, the latest of which is the idea that professional speakers can brand themselves. A few years ago I suffered through a painful session at the National Speakers Association’s CSP/CPAE meeting in Dallas listening to a branding expert trying to persuade us that it was possible to brand...

Wanted: Speaker Apprentice

I’m scouring the world for my next professional speaker apprentice. If your dream is to get your message out to millions of people around the world, I can show you how to do it. Watch this short video on the opportunity, and if you’re interested view the 30-minute Webinar located at this address: [media...

Is The Speaking Business Struggling?

The great recession has changed the speaking business forever. The number of successful speakers has shifted and the majority of the money is coming primarily from one market. Watch this short video I taped after being interviewed on the Morning Show in San Diego, for my new book, FAT LOSER! Watch on YouTube [media id=143]...

FREE Professional Speakers Book Offer

Minneapolis-based author/speaker Elliot Saltzman has penned the most direct, honest, and factual book ever written on what it really takes to make it in the speaking business, and I want to offer you a FREE ebook copy. The book is called How to Become a Million Dollar Professional Speaker. This book examines the nitty-gritty, good,...

Christmas 2013: The Speakers Lifestyle

Many of the top speakers I work with on conventions throughout the year take part or even all of the month of December off to spend with their families. I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years and it’s a great lifestyle benefit of the business. Watch this short (1:30) video I shot on the...

Your Speakers Business Plan

Do you have a business plan for your speaking business? Most speakers don’t, and most of the new speakers that do are following a linear model in a nonlinear business. Watch this post from the Beverly Hills Hotel and I’ll look forward to your comments. Watch on YouTube [media id=139]

Public Speakers Debate

As a high-paid personality speaker, you’re going to be debating fellow experts onstage and in the media. This is something I do dozens of times every year, and it’s an important skill to develop. Watch this short video I taped before debating Dr. Cathleen London from Yale University today on FOX News. This one strategy...

Biggest LIE in the Speaking Business

The speaking business is full of misinformation, but there is one GIANT LIE that’s been perpetuated by speaker marketers that profit from it. After 18 years as a full-time professional speaker, I’ve never seen anything that kills more speaking careers than this DEADLY fabrication. I should know, because I was sold the same lie back...

Income Streams for Speakers

Most speakers struggle because they lack sufficient streams of income. I’ve just completed a 15-city cross country speaking tour touting the merits of building a multidimensional speaking business with a minimum of 10 monthly income streams. Watch this short video I taped in Salt Lake City after being interviewed on FOX’s Good Day Utah. I’ll...

How to Set International Speaking Fees

If you’re speaking internationally, you want to be sure you charge enough to cover the additional travel time and personal “wear and tear” on your mind and body. I’ve delivered speeches all over the world and enjoyed it, but it’s physically and emotionally taxing and you need to be compensated for it. Be sure your...