Speaking Legend Larry Wilson Explains His Mentor Bill Gove

Larry Wilson (1930-2013) ranks among the highest grossing corporate speakers of all-time. After his 5-year mentorship with Bill Gove, (1912-2001) the father of professional speaking, Larry founded Wilson Learning, which became the 2nd largest training company in the world. Bob Proctor called Larry Wilson, “The smartest guy in the history of personal development”. In this...

Zig Ziglar on Bill Gove

The late Zig Ziglar (1926-2012) one of the most successful professional speakers of all-time, talking about his speaking mentor, Bill Gove, (1912-2001) the father of professional speaking. This was taped at the National Speakers Association Convention in Orlando, Florida in July 2002. Though Zig and I didn’t always see eye-to-eye, he was a great speaker...

The Fortune in Free Speeches

Preparing yourself for the world’s biggest stages and highest potential speaking fees requires hard work and sacrifice. It’s much like preparing to become a professional athlete, minus the physical torture. The good news for speakers is that a couple of years of solid preperation can lead to a lifelong career that may carry you into...

Bill Gove Speech Club Launches Worldwide

If you’re an aspiring or emerging professional speaker, or you’re ready to increase your speaking fees, the Bill Gove Speech Club will give you the tools, tips and strategies to make it happen. The club meets weekly via Zoom to watch members deliver keynote speech vignettes, followed by an immediate critique and coaching session with...

Bill Gove’s Million-Dollar Advice on Keynote Speaking

Bill Gove, the father of professional speaking, was my business partner for the last 5 years of his life. We we were on the road nonstop from 1997 to the end of 2001, when he passed away suddenly one month shy of his 90th birthday. This man taught me how to become a million-dollar speaker,...

My 5-Year Beef with Zig Ziglar: (1997-2002)

In 1997, I formed a business partnership with Bill Gove, the 85-year father of Professional Speaking. I was 32 years old. We were Mutt and Jeff. Bill and I referred to our partnership as “The hustle and the muscle”. Our goals were clear: I got Bill back on the platform (after 20 years of retirement)...

Speakers Don’t Get Discovered

The latest speaker marketing lie is that professional speakers get discovered. This is NOT how the business works. This idea is sold to people who are trying to break into the business, and earnestly trying everything possible. If you’ve fallen into this trap, don’t feel bad because it’s easy to do. In this video I...

Backstage in Mexico with Mark Victor Hansen

Back in 2001, I was a rookie professional speaker that had just cracked the $1 million per year mark in speaking revenue. I was working national and international conventions with an average audience size of 3-5,000 people. But…what I really wanted was a book, but I wanted it to be a book that sold at...

Georgia Speakers Bureau Needs New Speakers

Georgia Speakers lost 66 speakers over the 2-year Covid shutdown, and is actively searching for new talent. Our main clients are in Healthcare, Big Pharma and Financial Services. We’re looking for motivational, insprirational and business content experts. GSB was a full service bureau for 10 years, but has transitioned to a referral-based bureau. That means...

How to Launch a Professional Speaking Career

The #1 question we get from people who attend the Bill Gove Speech Workshop is “how do I get started?” I remember asking everyone I met in the business the same question back in 1996, and most of the answers were wrong. There’s money to be made selling naive new speakers ‘get rich quick’ advice...