As a professional or emerging professional speaker, how much do you believe in your message? Your level of belief will have a major impact on your audience response, and ultimately, on your speaking career. Watch this short video I shot at The Vatican a few days ago and I”ll look forward to your comments. (In the video I mistakenly say I’m in Rome, Italy, when I’m actually in Vatican City… apologies to my Catholic friends!)
Speaking at The Vatican
Published By steve
Steve Siebold, CSP My name is Steve Siebold. I’m an author with 1.4 million books in print, and a professional speaker and consultant to Fortune 500 sales teams on how to increase sales and retention rates through mental toughness training. My corporate clients include Johnson & Johnson, Toyota, Harrah’s Entertainment, Procter & Gamble, GlaxoSmithKline, Ingersoll Rand, etc.
If your message isn’t part of who you are no one is going to believe it, including yourself. Emerson said it the best, “Who you are speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what your are saying.”
Great point Steve! I totally agree that it is very hard (almost impossible) to convey ideas / concepts in which we don’t believe entirely. Thank you for sharing.