In the last 13 years as a professional speaker, I’ve probably reached a couple million people with the mental toughness message. Last week, through the power of television, more than 10 million people, most of whom probably never heard of me before, saw me on NBC, FOX, and NBC/Australia. I’m in the beginning of a publicity tour for my new book, Die Fat or Get Tough: 101 Differences in Thinking Between Fat People and Fit People. You can see the Today Show and FOX interviews at  My challenge to this week is to listen to this post and think about how you can use the medium of TV to boost your business as a public speaker. Just today, we started running the first of a series of infomercials promoting the Bill Gove Speech Workshop around the country. Could you use informercials to promote your speaking, training or consulting? Do you have a product or program the general public may be interested in? Do you have something controversial to say that may interest the press? I’ll look forward to hearing your comments. Steve Siebold