I interviewed a senior executive last weekend in Atlanta at the Siebold Success Network meeting for almost 2 hours onstage, and the audience of speakers was shocked at what she had to say. This executive hires some of the biggest speakers in the business, and she told the truth about what it takes to get hired at this level. As I’ve been saying over and over again in this blog, there’s a large group of speaker trainers getting rich telling people how easy the speaking business is and how you don’t have to be a good speaker to make it. They’re telling the masses of new speakers exactly what they want to hear. The problem is new speakers don’t know the truth from the lies, and they often choose to follow the path that looks easiest. That’s why I’m fighting these liars by interviewing corporate executives who hire speakers. The speaking industry is a wonderful business, and we need more thought leaders who are also competent presenters. The only chance a new speaker has to break into the business, (outside of getting famous) is to learn how the business really works and what organizations are looking for. Listen to this post, and join us in Atlanta June 11-13, for the next session of the Siebold Success Network. www.sieboldsuccessnetwork.com Over 4,000 contracts were signed last weekends between speakers and referral agents. All we were missing is YOU!
Steve Siebold
Steve is right. For a new person, who is serious about speaking, it was very sobering to hear this executive. She cut right to the meat of the issue of getting hired by a Fortune 500 company – so have got to be polished, practiced and very, very good. I took this as a challenge to reach that level of competence. Each of Steve and Dawn’s events that I attend is a quantum leap in the right direction.
Yes I agree that the problem is new speakers don’t know the truth from the lies, and they often choose to follow the path that looks easiest.
Seriously though…no matter how inexperienced a new speaker may be, surely it’s just common sense that one has to be very competent and very skilled at one’s craft to think you have a shot at the Fortune 500 speaking engagements???!
Shame on any speaker trainer who suggests that speaking is not a practiced craft that needs to be honed just like any other craft.