Steve Siebold on Good Morning America

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Public Speaking and Television: Could it Catapult YOUR Career?

In the last 13 years as a professional speaker, I’ve probably reached a couple million people with the mental toughness message. Last week, through the power of television, more than 10 million people, most of whom probably never heard of me before, saw me on NBC, FOX, and NBC/Australia. I’m in the beginning of a...

Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Interview Steve Siebold on NBC’s Today Show Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 10:30am EST

I’m headed to New York to be a guest on the NBC’s Today Show. My good friend Mark Victor Hansen was thier guest today, and he was dynamite as usual. The interview started out being centered around my new book, Die Fat or Get Tough: 101 Differences in Thinking Between Fat People and Fit People....

The Holy Grail of Keynote Speaking

The professional speaking business is loaded with misinformation and misconceptions. The biggest may be that the business is all about marketing.  While sales and marketing is critical, you MUST have a GREAT product to get great results. Many new speakers are being told you don’t have to be good to get booked, and that’s an...

The Professional Speaker Show

Check out for some of the best video training on how to earn a substantial living as a professional speaker. Mike Stewart and I developed this video magazine to give speakers inside information on the art and business of professional speaking from a 7-figure per year perspective. As of July 2, 2009, we have...

The Bill Gove Advice that Catapulted my Speaking Career

Bill Gove, the legendary father of professional speaking, gave me a piece of advice back in 1996 that changed my life as a professional speaker. These are the two things most speakers miss, which opens the door for new speakers to enter the business and pass them. It’s part ego, part laziness, and part not...

Siebold Success Network Update: Speakers Audition Videos Due by June 5, 2009

If you want to speak at the Siebold Success Network meeting in Atlanta, July 11-12 listen to this audio post and upload your 2 minute video as soon as possible. We have speakers, trainers, coaches and consultants flying in from all Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, England, France, Mexico, Canada and across the United States. Thousands...

Public Speakers promoting books on Television

One of the best ways to promote your book is by doing TV interviews. TV gives you and your book added credibility, while showcasing your ability to communicate effectively in different mediums. Once you obtain a digital copy of each interview, you can post them on your website for additional promotion. Last week I was...

Siebold Success Network: How it works and why it may be the biggest break of your speaking career

Almost 800 speakers from 11 countries registered for the Siebold Success Network conference call last week. For those of you who couldn’t join us, I’ve recorded a 19 minute synopsis of the call on this post. Speakers from all over the world have already registered for the pre-launch event July 11-12, in Atlanta. As of...

Is Your Speech Good Enough To Survive The Great Correction of 2009?

Back in 2001-2002, post 9/11, over 1200 professional speakers went broke when corporate training and travel budgets were frozen after the terrorist attacks on New York City. This represented the professional speaking industry’s first major economic correction. The middle class of the speaking business went belly up, and almost everyone I knew in NSA thought...