
Why Writing is the Foundation of Professional Speaking

Many speaker marketers like to tell new and aspiring speakers that the most important reason to write a book is to use it as a business card. This is bad advice, and an even worse philosophy. If you want to be taken seriously as a thought leader, you should not only write book, but write...

WANTED: Professional Speaker’s Apprentice

The Professional Speaker’s Apprentice Program is the fast-track to 6-figure success in 12-24 months as a Professional Speaker. Past Apprentices have gone on to 7-figure success. Most 6 and 7 figure speakers were ushered into this business by a family member, mentor or other high-level contact. Very few make it without some kind of inside...

Author Speaker Podcast – Episode #1

If you’re in the professional speaking business, or you would like to be, this podcast will help guide the way. This is NOT a motivational podcast. The purpose of this program is to reveal the jealously guarded secrets of a very lucretive industry that’s dominated by a few hundred people worldwide. This is what you...

Vernice “Flygirl” Armour

Former Police Officer Vernice ‘Flygirl’ Armour was a new speaker when she first attended the Bill Gove Speech Workshop in 2007. 4 years later she was earning over 1 million dollars per year. When she attended again in late 2022, she was earning $40,000 per speech and ranked among the Top 10 professional speakers in...

Your Next Step in Professional Speaking

Your next step in Professional Speaking. if you’ve already taken the 3-minute A.I. driven Professional Speaker Assessment and you scored 48/64 or higher, watch this video for next steps. If you scored 0-47, don’t be discouraged. Follow the instructions on the email for your next steps. To take the assessment, visit www.PaidSpeaking.org #professionalspeaking #personaldevelopment

Biggest Breakthrough in the History of Professional Speaking

For over 70 years, in the non-celebrity speaker category, experts have wondered why so few people succeed. Although there are basic aspects of the business that indicate commercial viability, the success of some and failure of others have left most of us wondering. Now, thanks to the power of Artificial Intelligence, combined with our team...

AI Predicts Your Success as a Speaker

Do you have what it takes to become a professional speaker? Why do most people fail in this business while others earn millions? This question has been asked for over 70 years, and artifical intelligence has finally answered. The Professional Speaker Assessment, unveiled earlier today, is a combination of decades of experience from million-dollar speakers...

( Part 2) Why Professional Speakers FAIL

This is one of the most overlooked reasons professional speakers fail. As obvious as it seems, most speakers bypass it or take it for granted. Making at the 6 or 7 figure level as a speaker is equivalent to becoming a 6-7 figure actor or singer. Not many succeed, but it’s often because they fail...

Dr. Alok Trivedi’s Journey from Speaker’s Apprentice to Millionaire Speaker

Dr. Alok Trivedi was one of the most successful chirpractors in the United States when I met him, but he desperately wanted to share his message with a broader audience around the world, specifically through professional public speaking. He became one of my original speakers apprentices, and over the next 5 years, he worked tirelessly...

Why Professional Speakers FAIL. (Part 1)

Hollywood has a lot in common with the Professional Speaking Industry. At any given time, there are approximately 500,000 actors in Los Angeles looking for work. The odds of an unconnected actor breaking into the business and earning $100K per year are long. Unless…you have connections. Professional Speaking has smaller numbers, but your odds of...