Back in 2001-2002, post 9/11, over 1200 professional speakers went broke when corporate training and travel budgets were frozen after the terrorist attacks on New York City. This represented the professional speaking industry’s first major economic correction. The middle class of the speaking business went belly up, and almost everyone I knew in NSA thought...
Speaking in an auditorium of thousands is a very different experience than speaking in a small room to a few hundred people. I just spoke in Los Angeles for 8,000 sales people, and while very exciting, these large halls always present a few challenges. Echo’s, lighting, projection screens, distance from the audience, sound, just to...
I’m going to be speaking with Brian Tracy, Larry Wilson, and Paul Martinelli at the Thriving in 2009 Conference Saturday, February 28th, 2009 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Get your FREE tickets at Use my name to get as many tickets as you want. Listen to this post for more details. See you there!...
If you’re interested in promoting yourself as a fee-paid professional speaker visit This free resource is You Tube for Professional Public Speakers.
Like a lot of people, I used to think powerful public speaking was about dazzling the audience with my verbal skill. The standing ovation was always the goal. Then I attended the Bill Gove Speech Workshop and learned the real secret. Americans are getting a large dose of this concept in the 2008 political season. Some candidates...