
Speaker’s Classic Mistake

Are you connecting with your audiences, or making the classic mistake of giving them too much information? Watch this short video shot on Lake Lanier and I’ll look forward to your comments.

What Are You Adding to the Conversation?

As a professional speaker, what are you adding to the conversation? As I discussed in my last post, most speakers are saying the same thing, yet its what you add to people’s lives that’s different that makes your career. Watch this short video and I’ll look forward to your comments. (Steve Siebold)

What Makes You a Unique Speaker?

What are saying to audiences, writing in your books and espousing to the press that makes you unique? Are you saying the same things as the other 95% of the speakers, or are you unique? Watch this post (3 minutes) and I’ll look forward to your comments. (Steve Siebold)

Why Do You Speak?

Why do you want to become a professional speaker? Believe me, there are much easier ways to make a living! If you don’t have a compelling reason to make it in this business, you will fail. It requires years of hard work and persistence to earn money speaking. Watch this short post, and I’ll look...

#1 Reason Keynote Speakers FAIL

In this short (2 minutes) video I discuss the #1 reason keynote speakers fail in this business. After earning over $13 million in speaking fees, I’d attribute most of my success to making sure I covered this one area well. Luckily I had the best mentor in the business, the great Bill Gove, the father...

Professional Speakers Dream Venues

Have you made a list of your dream audiences and venues? Maybe you want to speak to 1,000 people. Maybe 5,000. Maybe even 20,000! In which world-class venues do you dream of speaking in? Carnegie Hall? Madison Square Garden? Georgia Dome? When I started speaking for fees over 20 years ago, the largest audience I...

Speaking at The Vatican

As a professional or emerging professional speaker, how much do you believe in your message? Your level of belief will have a major impact on your audience response, and ultimately, on your speaking career. Watch this short video I shot at The Vatican a few days ago and I”ll look forward to your comments. (In...

Professional Speaker Live Broadcast Q&A

Join us for a LIVE BROADCAST “How to Break into the Professional Speaking Business Q&A” on Thursday, June 23 at 12 Noon EDT http://www.speechworkshop.com/prospeaker/prospeaker-social/

Speaker’s Apprentice Team Books Over $1 Million Dollars in Speeches in First Quarter of 2016!

If you’re serious about making it big in the speaking business in 2016, watch this short video (3 minutes) and apply for our Speakers Apprentice Team. This is more than about licensing content; it’s about learning the business from the ground up directly from a million-dollar speaker. Nothing like this has ever been offered in...

What is Your #1 Speaking Career Goal for 2016?

The most successful professional speakers in the business are MASTER goal setters, and one of the their secrets is revealed in this short ( 2:08) video. So watch the video, set your 2016 goals and have a Happy and Safe New Year!