Who is Going to Buy Your Book?

Before you decide to write a book, ask yourself who is going to buy it. This is the first question any publisher or book agent is going to ask you. Do you have a fan base? Are you well known in the area that your book will address? Are you a media personality, social media...

#1 Reason Professional Speakers FAIL

This is the most overlooked area of the becoming a professional, fee-paid speaker. This is the reason so few speaker training companies advertise in this area. New speakers assume it’s not important, and yet it’s the single most important aspect of the becoming a successful speaker. Maybe the best example is how little attention is...

How to Become a Highly Paid Professional Speaker

Professional Speaking is arguably the highest paid profession in the world. Outside of being a public celebrity, professional athlete, movie star, Fortune 500 CEO, or rock star, where can you earn $10, $20, or $30 thousand dollars per hour? It’s a wonderful profession where you can help people all over the world become more successful....

Professional Speakers Pension Strategy

Professional speakers can earn high incomes. The top non-celebrity speakers earn millions per year. Despite this fact, many speakers fail to build a retirement portfolio and end up struggling towards the end of their careers. I know household name speakers that have little or no money to retire. To make sure this doesn’t happen to...

Speakers Should Be an Inch Wide and a Mile Deep

As much as I love my motivational speaker friends, most are experts at delivering an incredible speech, with little problem-solving content. Their expertise lies in exciting an audience for 45-minutes and moving on to the next speech. In corporate America, they’re known as “slot-fillers”, filling slots on a convention agenda, kicking-off or closing the meeting....

The Fortune in Free Speeches

Preparing yourself for the world’s biggest stages and highest potential speaking fees requires hard work and sacrifice. It’s much like preparing to become a professional athlete, minus the physical torture. The good news for speakers is that a couple of years of solid preperation can lead to a lifelong career that may carry you into...

Bill Gove Speech Club Launches Worldwide

If you’re an aspiring or emerging professional speaker, or you’re ready to increase your speaking fees, the Bill Gove Speech Club will give you the tools, tips and strategies to make it happen. The club meets weekly via Zoom to watch members deliver keynote speech vignettes, followed by an immediate critique and coaching session with...

How To Fast-Track a Million-Dollar Speaking Career

For many years, I held the record for being the fastest non-celebrity professional speaker to go from zero to a million-dollars in speaking fees, in just under 5 years. Many people attributed my success to marketing and sales talent. I wish! The embarrassing truth is that I lost over $50,000 my first year in the...

How to Become a 6-Figure Professional Speaker in 2024

Is it possible to become a $100K professional speaker in the next 12-24 months, even if you’ve never been paid to deliver a speech? The answer might surprise you. Contrary to what you see advertised online, the secret has nothing to do with marketing. The only people that make money promising to give you leads,...

Should Speaker’s Live Below Their Means?

The professional speaking business can be intoxicating. Especially as your popularity and fees grow. It’s easy to fall into the trap of assuming it will continue forever. In the past 20 years, speakers have had two massive wake up calls that shocked and decimated thousands of careers: the great recession and Covid 19. I skated...