One of the single best pieces of wisdom Bill Gove offered me in the early days of my speaking career was to select my speaking mentor on the basis of his/her track record, and then follow to that person and no one else. That was in 1996, when I had 6 professional speaking consultants on...
If you’re interested in promoting yourself as a fee-paid professional speaker visit This free resource is You Tube for Professional Public Speakers.
One of the questions that’s been coming up for the last 61 years of the Bill Gove Speech Workshop is; Does this speaker look Presidential? In other words, does this speaker look and sound like a speaker a Fortune 500 company would pay $10,000 for a speech? Is someone who carries him or herself like a...
What is it that professional public speakers really do? Besides delivering content that solves problems, many speakers believe there’s a higher purpose. This post is about two speakers who believe speaking is more than just content and entertainment. Two of my mentors and friends; Keith Harrell and Bob Proctor, shared their views about this in private...
After being on the road for 5 years with the great Bill Gove, the father of professional speaking, I can tell you so many stories and all the great lessons he taught me. One of them comes from the old school, and as critical as it is, it’s not the most popular. One of the...
This is the taboo topic in the speaking business no one likes to talk about. But the fact is, the overwhelming majority of people trying to break into the speaking business will fail in the first 12-24 months. I know dozens of speakers who have been trying to break into this business for 25 years...
Mace Horoff, a fellow graduate of the Bill Gove Speech Workshop, has a world-class blog on his topic of expertise called the Medical Sales School Blog. Mace was the best of the best as a medical sales person when he decided to retire to south Florida to fly his private plane ( parked in his...
I get a lot of calls about this from graduates of the Bill Gove Speech Workshop, as well as from members of the National Speakers Association. Is a speakers book a business card…or the most important representation of you and your expertise? My first book, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, sold 100,000...
We get calls at the Bill Gove Speech Workshop every day from people looking to break into the professional speaking business, telling us they heard it was easy. If anyone tells you this business is easy, I promise you he/she is NOT in this business. There are a LOT of people who sell this lie...
Bill Gove, the father of professional speaking, changed my (Steve Siebold) professional speaking career with a piece of sage advice. Keeping an audiences attention for 40-minutes is no easy task, especially as the new generation emerges. Their attention spans are much shorter than the baby boomers and they’re tougher to please. Listen to this advice...