Professional Speakers Beware: End of an Era

The great recession/correction of 2008-2010 marks the end of an era for professional speakers. The days of thousands of motivational speakers regurgitating think and grow rich are over. Thousands of speakers have been forced out the business in the last two years because companies are demanding tens time the value they were 24 months ago....

When Oprah Called

A few years ago I got a call from an executive at Oprah Winfrey’s company, Harpo Productions. She was interested in having their executives attend the Bill Gove Speech Workshop. It was an unsolicted call from one of the best possible clients. We’ve had similar calls from Dear Abby, John McCain, (the senators cousin) and...

Bill Gove: The Master of Keynote Speaking

I’m often asked what made Bill Gove, the father of professional speaking, so successful as a keynote speaker and coach of more million dollar speakers than anyone in history. After spending five years on the road with Bill, I think I know the answer. Listen to this post and copy the habits of the great...

PLEASE DON’T Write a Book in 30 Days

The average best-selling author spends 12-24 months writing their books, yet there’s a bunch of people promising new speakers they can do it in 30 days. These are the same people claiming the speaking business is easy and you can throw a speech together overnight and you don’t even have to be a good speaker...

Should speakers thank the audience?

Seems like a pretty easy question to answer, but speakers have different beliefs about this. We get this question at every session of the Bill Gove Speech Workshop, and we give the workshop philosophy to the participants. Bill Gove, the father of professional speaking, felt very strongly about this. Listen to this 2-minute audio post...

Audience “Shocked and Stunned” by Senior Executives Comments on Speaking Business

I interviewed a senior executive last weekend in Atlanta at the Siebold Success Network meeting for almost 2 hours onstage, and the audience of speakers was shocked at what she had to say. This executive hires some of the biggest speakers in the business, and she told the truth about what it takes to get...

How to get booked as a professional speaker in the Fortune 500

If you’re interested in speaking for the biggest, richest companies in the world but you haven’t been able to figure out how to do it, don’t feel bad. Fortune 500 companies have multiple gatekeepers whose only job is to screen and block calls from unknown vendors. The good news is there’s a secret to cracking...

To All Aspiring Professional Speakers: What are you waiting for?

In mental toughness training, I speak to Fortune 500 sales teams about critical thinking to increase sales. For all of you who have the dream of being a fee paid professional speaker, I have a critical thinking question for you. I ask this question completely out of love. After all, I dreamed the same dream...

Is The Speaking Business Really That Easy?

There’s a group of people in the speaking industry telling emerging speakers how easy it is to become a successful professional speaker. Back in 1996, the year I started my full time speakering career, I heard the same thing. It turns out the people perpetuating this lie are profiting from it. Chances are they’re trying...

Do you REALLY BELIEVE what you speak about?

The personal development/self-help industry is once again being accosted by the national press in the United States. The catalyst seem to be the Sweat Lodge tragedy that occurred at the James Arthur Ray event in Arizona earlier this month. (more comments on that at  My question for speakers is; are you delivering a message...