Siebold Success Network: How it works and why it may be the biggest break of your speaking career

Almost 800 speakers from 11 countries registered for the Siebold Success Network conference call last week. For those of you who couldn’t join us, I’ve recorded a 19 minute synopsis of the call on this post. Speakers from all over the world have already registered for the pre-launch event July 11-12, in Atlanta. As of...

Is Your Speech Good Enough To Survive The Great Correction of 2009?

Back in 2001-2002, post 9/11, over 1200 professional speakers went broke when corporate training and travel budgets were frozen after the terrorist attacks on New York City. This represented the professional speaking industry’s first major economic correction. The middle class of the speaking business went belly up, and almost everyone I knew in NSA thought...

19 Speaking Deals in 13 days…Siebold Success Network kicks off Thursday, April 30th at 9pm eastern

Since my last post and promise to do a 100 speaking deals in 100 days, I’ve signed 19 deals in the last 13 days, including a few with some of the biggest names in the professional speaking business. I’m projecting around $100,000-150,000 in additional revenue from these deals alone in 2009. And that’s in the...

Speak more through mega-leverage marketing: Siebold Success Network

If you’re looking for more keynotes, training contracts, consulting deals and coaching clients, there are only two ways to make it happen: wait for the phone to ring or make the phone ring yourself. Like you, I love it when the business chases me, but in crazy times, it’s not happening as often. So instead...

The elegance (and eloquence) of Jim Cathcart

I just returned from speaking at a convention in Las Vegas and had the opportunity to see professional speaking legend Jim Cathcart deliver an exceptional keynote. Everytime I watch Jim onstage the thing that strikes me most is his masterful stagecraft. I’ve never seen a smoother speaker. From his gestures to his timing, Jim Cathcart...

There are no short cuts to Professional Speaking Success

This is something you already know, but many new speakers ignore. Doing the hard work of getting good on the platform isn’t always fun and it’s certainly not sexy. Long hours of building your speech, editing your material and endless hours of rehearsal when no one is listening takes discipline. The truth is it takes...

Steve Siebold on Speaking to a Massive Audience

Speaking in an auditorium of thousands is a very different experience than speaking in a small room to a few hundred people. I just spoke in Los Angeles for 8,000 sales people, and while very exciting, these large halls always present a few challenges. Echo’s, lighting, projection screens, distance from the audience, sound, just to...

Brian Tracy and Steve Siebold LIVE in West Palm Beach!

I’m going to be speaking with Brian Tracy, Larry Wilson, and Paul Martinelli at the Thriving in 2009 Conference Saturday, February 28th, 2009 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Get your FREE tickets at  Use my name to get as many tickets as you want. Listen to this post for more details. See you there!...

Steve Siebold’s LIVE Television Interview June 24, 2008 on Professional Speaking

I hope you’ll tune in to my live interview on the professional speaking business this Tuesday, June 24. Jeff Herring will be interviewing me about what some people have called the world’s highest paid profession: Professional Public Speaking. I’m not sure if it’s the highest paid or not, but I can tell you President Bill...

Mike Stewart Joins Million Dollar Speaker Marketing Seminar

Mike Stewart, the audio/video product creation advisor to some of the top professional speakers in the world, has signed on to speak at the Million Dollar Speaker Marketing Seminar in Atlanta, July 11-13, 2008. This is huge! Mike charges $10,000/day for consulting and is booked months in advance.  When it comes to teaching speakers how...