Public Speakers Super-Agent Reveals Secrets

I just returned from the Siebold Success Network (SSN) in Atlanta, where I interviewed public speakers super-agent Bruce Serbin, the man who booked me on the Today Show, Good Morning America, ABC News, BBC in Europe, NBC Australia and dozens more. Not to mention tons of radio shows, newspaper and magazine interviews across the globe....

Radio Strategy for Speakers

The best way to get booked on radio is to be a good interviewee. Once radio hosts and producers know you understand the game, they’re willing to book you on their show over and over. One of the most important things in doing radio interviews is knowing how long your answers should be and how...

Sharing the Stage with Legends

One of the coolest things that happens as you climb the ladder of professional speaking success is sharing the stage with people you’ve listened to on recordings for years. In high school I used to listen to speakers like Zig Ziglar, Don Hutson, Jim Cathcart, Tony Alessandra, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Les Brown, Larry Wilson–and...

Motivational Speakers Needed

If you’ve ever considered becoming a motivational speaker or at least adding a motivational component to your topic, NOW is the time! For two years the recession has been sucking the life out of people, and they’re ready to look forward to the future again. While the motivational market is a little rough right now,...

Speaker’s Television Strategy

One of the most effective marketing tools public speakers use to build their brand and take their message to the masses is doing television interviews. Entire speaking empires have been built through the medium of television. Speaker’s like Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and others have become famous from being on TV. As some...

My SHOCKING Interview on FOX-TV New York

There’s no place in the world like New York City to deliver a speech or be interviewed on television. New Yorkers are outspoken, direct, and fearless in asking questions that make most people blush. I’ve given speeches and interviews in NYC for years, but I have to admit that my interview today on FOX New...

Why Do You Speak?

Why do you do what you do as a speaker? There are certainly easier ways to make money. I don’t know a single successful speaker who does what they do for the money. Knowing why you’re in this business may be the one thing that keeps you going during tough times. Watch this short video...

How To Flood Your Calendar with Speaking Engagements

This is the marketing system I used to build a seven-figure speaking business during the 9/11 attacks. Imagine generating over 300 leads for speeches, training, coaching and consulting dates after delivering one 10-minute speech to a group of referral agents. On October 15-17, 2010 we’re going to host the last meeting of the year of...

When Public Speakers Should Write a Book

Most speakers I know write their books too early, long before they’ve honed their message and established their uniqueness. That’s why the average speaker sells less than 250 copies of their book, and rarely write more than one. Most speakers books are Think and Grow Rich regurgitated. Invest the time in creating your unique point...

Do You Think Like a Million-Dollar Speaker?

I just spent 2-days with 20 of the wealthiest professional speakers in the world. The meeting was held at the National Speakers Association Convention in Orlando. NSA has created a new, invitation-only group called the Million-Dollar Round Table. Each applicant had to submit financial statements to prove they had billed over a million dollars in...