Professional speeches at the highest fee level are sold through speaking skill and subject credibility. Jack Welch speaks on leadership; his credibility comes from leading General Electric. Tony Robbins speaks on changing peoples lives, and he has a massive list of clients he’s helped change. Bill Gove spoke on succeeding in sales and his credibility...
We need paid speakers immediately to talk about solving the obesity epidemic through mental toughness training. The problem is huge, the potential for speaking opportunities is endless, and the profit could be substantial for our top speakers. As many of you know, I’ve traveled the world preaching the mental toughness message, especially when it comes...
If you want to make a living as a professional speaker, you must speak to groups that gather and will pay to hear your message. Many aspiring speakers waste years trying to sell a speech no one will pay for. Determine the market for your speech and create your strategy accordingly. Watch this short video...
Since 1997, I’ve sold millions of dollars in speaking, training and consulting services to multinational corporations. I’ve always targeted the largest companies because they have the largest potential. As a result, I’ve been able to build a multidimensional business model with 15 income streams a month. This is difficult to achieve working for mid-size clients....
The speaking business has evolved over the years and now requires advanced study for the highest fees. Unless you’re a celebrity, you’d better be studying books beyond Think and Grow Rich and How to Win Friends and Influence People. Today’s million-dollar speaker must be well versed on a number of subjects in order to please...
The speaking business is made up of thought leaders and thought followers. Bill Gove was a thought leader. Larry Wilson was a thought leader. Bob Proctor is a thought leader. Most speakers are simply regurgitating the thoughts of others. The question is, are you REALLY a thought leader? What differentiates you from other speakers? What...
What is the hottest speaking topic in 2013? Watch this short video to find out and I’ll look forward to your comments. YouTube [media id=122]
I was honored to have speaking legend George Morrisey, CSP, CPAE and Cavett Award Winner in my audience last week at the Central Florida Speakers Association in Tampa. George Morrisey is 86 years old and the author of 19 books. He’s one of the great legends of the speaking, training, consulting business. Watch this short...
I’ve been lucky enough in the past 17 years to share the stage with the biggest names in the business, and this post is the first in a series of tributes to the one skill or technique that made makes them so unique. I start with the best of the best, none other than the...
There are only a few days left to view the professional speaker apprentice webinar. This 19-minute presentation tells the truth about how most top speakers make it in this business, and it’s something all emerging speakers need to know. For some of you, the apprentice opportunity may be the break you’ve been waiting for. Watch...