The fastest way to get your message out to millions of people is through the mass media. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other social media are great, but ANYONE can broadcast on those mediums, which means they have little credibility in the speaking business marketplace. Last week I kicked off a 9-month mass media tour for...
Back in 1996, Bill Gove, the 85-year old father of professional speaking, told me about the one mistake most speakers make that holds them back from ever reaching their potential. I took what he told me to heart, and it catapulted my career. Watch this short video (3 minutes) and make sure you don’t fall...
The Georgia Speaker’s Bureau will be hosting the Bill Gove Speech Workshop, which trains speakers in professional level keynote speech writing and delivery skills, on May 18-20, 2018 at the Bona Allen Mansion, near Atlanta. This workshop is designed to help you develop the skills and strategies necessary to qualify for representation in the bureau...
One of the buzzwords of the speaking business in the past few years is “legacy,” as in, what will be your legacy as a speaker? When I first heard this I didn’t really know, but then I finally figured it out. Watch this short video (5 minutes) I taped on the steps of the Bona...
Since word got out a few months ago about the launch of Georgia Speaker’s Bureau, we’ve been bombarded with unsolicited demo videos from speakers. We’ve watched as many as we can, but most of the speakers make the same grave error in their video production that leads us to turn it off and exclude them...
Since opening the Georgia Speaker’s Bureau, we’ve been flooded by emails from so many speaker’s that we’ve had to stop taking inquiries. We’ve also had tons of calls from Atlanta-based companies asking for our services. The reason speaker’s get turned down for speeches is the same thing over and over. As a matter of fact,...
Professional speaking is a career of creativity. That’s one of the reasons I love it so much. You are constantly challenged to create new ideas, speeches, books, articles, products, programs, media angles, marketing pieces, sales scripts, blog posts, and a host other things that make up our business. It’s so much fun, and we actually...
Getting in the media can catapult your speaking career, yet very few speakers understand this. Being interviewed on TV, radio, and in print gives you and your message a level of credibility that is difficult to get in any other way. In just the past 72 hours, I’ve been interviewed on TV, radio and in...
Are you connecting with your audiences, or making the classic mistake of giving them too much information? Watch this short video shot on Lake Lanier and I’ll look forward to your comments.
Bill Gove, the father of professional speaking, was my mentor. I served as his apprentice for 5 years, and it changed my life. In 5 years I went from losing over $50,000 to earning over $1M. Now its 20 years later, and I’m searching for my own apprentice. If you think you have what it...