Getting booked by speakers bureaus; which are effectively non-exclusive speakers agents, is one of the most misunderstood aspects of the speaking business. This 9-minute tells the truth about how bureaus operate and exactly what they’re looking for. To apply for representation, go to
Professional speaking is a tough business. It spits people out faster than anything I’ve ever seen, yet internet marketers love to tell people how easy it is, even when they’ve never been paid a fee to deliver a speech. I’ve watched this for over 20 years, and people still buy into it as much as...
How do you structure a paid, professional speech? Ask 100 of the highest paid speakers and you’ll get 100 different answers. Speech writing is an art. That being said, Bill Gove, the father of the industry, taught me his best secrets. I share one in this short video that’s helped me earn over $15 million...
There are thousands of professional speakers, yet very few of them earn much money. The average full-time speaker earns less than $100,000 per year, in a business where that’s often a days pay. I was lucky to have three of the best mentors in the business: Bill Gove, Bob Proctor and Larry Wilson. Whatever success...
Are you a motivational speaker or a subject matter expert? There are different speakers that fill different roles at meetings and conventions. The more clearly you can define what type of speaker you are, the easier it is to market yourself. And if you’re being represented by an agency like Georgia Speakers Bureau, it will...
One of the most common questions I get is “How do you practice for keynote speaking tours?” The answer isn’t sexy, and the practice isn’t fun, but it’s helped me earn over $15 million dollars in speaking fees over the course of my career. Not as much as some, but enough to help us leverage...
Professional athletes practice every day. So do professional musicians, actors, singers, guitar players, jugglers, magicians, etc. But what about professional speakers? The top speakers practice every day, but many middle of the road speakers don’t. New and emerging speakers spend more time worrying about marketing themselves than they do on building world-class speaking skills. Many...
The fastest way to get your message out to millions of people is through the mass media. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other social media are great, but ANYONE can broadcast on those mediums, which means they have little credibility in the speaking business marketplace. Last week I kicked off a 9-month mass media tour for...
Back in 1996, Bill Gove, the 85-year old father of professional speaking, told me about the one mistake most speakers make that holds them back from ever reaching their potential. I took what he told me to heart, and it catapulted my career. Watch this short video (3 minutes) and make sure you don’t fall...
The Georgia Speaker’s Bureau will be hosting the Bill Gove Speech Workshop, which trains speakers in professional level keynote speech writing and delivery skills, on May 18-20, 2018 at the Bona Allen Mansion, near Atlanta. This workshop is designed to help you develop the skills and strategies necessary to qualify for representation in the bureau...