Can Personal Development Save the World?

The world is on fire. Political corruption. War raging in Europe. Social unrest. Economic uncertainty. Widening wealth gap. It seems as though we are all constantly being weighed down with heavy news. If you’re an author, speaker, coach, consultant, entrepreneur, or business leader that believes in personal development, I’m excited to announce the creation and...

How To Write Your Success Memoir

If you’re over 40 years old, and you’ve achieved any level of success, I recommend writing a book I call a “Success Memoir”. This is a combination of the success you’ve acheived and the strategies that catapulted you there. This is a book that can serve as the core content of your speaking, training, consulting...

How to Start a Speech

Professional Speaker’s have numerous ways of starting a speech, all designed to grab the audiences attention in the opening seconds, without making it sound like speech. Counterintuitive, I know, but this is an important distinction. The best professional speakers sound like they’re having an intimate conversation with their audience, as opposed to sounding like they’re...