Professional Authors and Writers Are Whistling Past the Graveyard

The writers strike in Hollywood rages on. Writers want more money, and I don’t blame them. Writing is hard work. I’ve written 12 books over 20 years, and I know how tough it is. The only problem is the writing business is over. Dead. Done. Finished. ChatGPT was the beginning, and the the newest artificial...

SPEAKERS: Don’t Make This Social Media Mistake

Social Media has become an absolute phenomenon all over the world. Some people see it as a positive technological advancement, while others believe it’s doing irreparable damage to society. Either way, one thing is for certain: social media is here to stay. This is why it’s critical for Professional Speakers to use it effectively, without...

Who is Going to Buy Your Book?

Before you decide to write a book, ask yourself who is going to buy it. This is the first question any publisher or book agent is going to ask you. Do you have a fan base? Are you well known in the area that your book will address? Are you a media personality, social media...

#1 Reason Professional Speakers FAIL

This is the most overlooked area of the becoming a professional, fee-paid speaker. This is the reason so few speaker training companies advertise in this area. New speakers assume it’s not important, and yet it’s the single most important aspect of the becoming a successful speaker. Maybe the best example is how little attention is...

How to Become a Highly Paid Professional Speaker

Professional Speaking is arguably the highest paid profession in the world. Outside of being a public celebrity, professional athlete, movie star, Fortune 500 CEO, or rock star, where can you earn $10, $20, or $30 thousand dollars per hour? It’s a wonderful profession where you can help people all over the world become more successful....