The Real Reason Aspiring Speakers FAIL

Why do 95% of aspiring professional speakers fail? Why do speaker marketing companies ignore this completely? Why don’t most aspiring speakers take this reason seriously? The answers to these questions are obvious to seasoned veterans in the business, although it’s rarely discussed. It’s the speaking businesses dirty little secret, and it kills more careers than...

The Subject Speakers HATE

Professional Speakers tend to be highly creative, emotionally driven people. Their strengths revolve around moving people with their message and inspiring audiences to make positive changes. But there’s one topic that 99% of the speakers I know HATE…so much so that they refuse to even discuss it publicly. It’s also one of the most important...

Professional Speaker’s $3 Million Dollar Demo Video

This professional speakers demo video generated $3.2 million dollars in keynote speeches over a 3-year period. It’s a classic mix of keynote speech footage in front of thousands of people in different convention halls from the RIO Hotel on the Las Vegas strip to the San Diego Convention Center. It also includes TV appearances on...

Why Writing is the Foundation of Professional Speaking

Many speaker marketers like to tell new and aspiring speakers that the most important reason to write a book is to use it as a business card. This is bad advice, and an even worse philosophy. If you want to be taken seriously as a thought leader, you should not only write book, but write...